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Rehabilitation – GSMOP


At GSMOP, patients benefit from a full range of rehabilitative services dedicated to enabling them to resume active, independent lives following an amputation. Our philosophy is to let the patient be our guide, helping our skilled specialists design an individualized treatment plan to meet the patient’s specific needs and goals.

Each patient receives treatment from a multidisciplinary rehabilitation team under the direction of a board certified physician specializing in amputee rehabilitation. Working collaboratively toward the patient’s goals, the team consists of physical and occupational therapists, rehabilitation nurses, case managers, dieticians and other committed professionals. The team encourages a patient’s family to participate in the rehabilitation process through frequent visits and patient/family conferences. Additionally, our on-site Prosthetic Center is staffed by experienced technicians who provide patients with prosthetic and orthotic evaluations, fabrication, and follow-up care.

The service is well equipped to help patients with amputation due to trauma, diabetes or other medical conditions. Limb loss may include above knee amputations, below knee amputations, upper extremity amputations and double amputations. Located in Pretoria @ Queens Corner, the program not only serves patients from throughout the Pretoria region, but also attracts patients from across the country.

The strength of our program is two fold: being able to manage medically fragile patients, particularly those with complex needs, and providing their medical and rehabilitation care simultaneously in order to maximize recovery. Specific goals are tailored to each patient’s individual needs: to build endurance, stamina and strength; to encourage independence at home; to increase mobility. Patients have access to an on-site comprehensive Prosthetic Orthotic Center, which fabricates artificial limbs and other orthotic devices.

We provide a full spectrum of services to restore confidence and help the patient resume full living following amputation, including:

Physical Therapy to restore functional mobility & strength
Occupational therapy to restore the performance of activities of daily living
Rehabilitative Nursing
Services of on-site Prosthetic Orthotic Center (ABC Certified)
Psychiatry & Psychology Services
Services of the Center for Rehabilitation Technology (CRT)
Medication Evaluation & Optimization
Nutrition Education
Patient & Family Education
Recreational Therapy Services
Aquatic Therapy
Driver Evaluation & Training
Adapted Sports & Recreation
Case Management & Discharge Planning
Follow-up care via Outpatient Rehabilitation & Wellness Center
Amputee Support Group meets monthly


Spinal cord injury affects a person’s total way of life, which is why it is vital to offer a broad range of services to address a patient’s full spectrum of needs. The comprehensive Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Program @ GSMOP for the patient throughout the continuum, from intensive inpatient rehabilitation through outpatient therapy, ongoing medical care, wellness and sports programs and opportunities to participate in clinical research. Our philosophy is to let the patient be our guide, helping our skilled specialists design an individualized treatment plan to meet the patient’s specific needs and goals, while preventing future complications from SCI.

Each patient receives spinal cord injury treatment from an interdisciplinary rehabilitation team under the direction of a board certified physiatrist with a specialty in spinal cord injury. Working collaboratively toward the patient’s goals, the team consists of physical, occupational and speech therapists, rehabilitation nurses, case managers, psychologists, dieticians and other committed professionals. The team encourages a patient’s family and caregivers to participate in the rehabilitation process through frequent visits and patient/family education and conferences.

Individuals who have sustained a complete or incomplete spinal cord injury due to trauma, acts of violence, tumors, sports injuries, spinal stenosis, compression fractures and transverse myelitis are all candidates for inpatient rehabilitation. The Spinal Cord Injury Treatment Program also treats patients with Guillain-Barre Syndrome, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS /Lou Gehrig’s Disease) and peripheral nervous system disorders, as well as myopathies and muscular dystrophies.