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Prosthesis should be ascribe to the patient’s lifestyle needs. Sophisticated componentry will add to this quality.
However there are thousands of amputees who lead very active and productive lives with affordable prosthesis.
Costs should not hinder an amputee from rehabilitation and should consult Orthocare with regards to this matters
The cost of prosthesis is mainly governed by the cost of the componentry; namely the foot, the knee unit and method of keeping the prosthesis to the body. Componentry can range from very sophisticated to elementary.
Experience has shown that most people are not familiar with what their medical aid actually covers.
Most medical aids will contribute to the cost of a prosthesis provided that it is correctly motivated for.
One should consult with one’s medical aid, Orthocare can assist you in these matters.
A prosthesis will continually have to be maintained.
Consult with the Prosthetist as you should be made aware of future costs involved.
Matters influencing the period rehabilitation mainly concerns the condition of the stump and patient fitness.
Rehabilitation period is critical and the sooner an amputee can ambulate the better.
It is advisable to plan rehabilitation before amputation.
A consultation with a Prosthetist prior to amputation will be most helpful as he/she will explain the road ahead.
Only in cases where the patients are bed ridden or if special arrangements has been made.
An orthosis (depending on thr orthosis) 2-4 working days. A prosthesis is patient dependant